Transitions - Balancing Yin & Yang

Posted by Emma Leafe on

 At this point we are mid way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox … moving out of time of deep inner reflection and steadily into the flow of Spring’s life generating energy

A time to prepare the soil for sowing the seeds we wish to nurture in the coming months and onward.

Here in Great Britain it is raining hard … and yet, expressive energies are stirring ... and all that water will allow the lushness to unveil once the sun comes out again

emma leafe

 Do you hold any sacred intentions that you would like to nurture for the path ahead ?

You can harness the yang energy of the coming Spring, to transform aspects of your life, that you would like to see growth. It’s time to prepare the soil and consider what you would like to see grow

As always, some shoots are successful and turn into wonderful flowers rapidly ...  while others take the necessary dedication and long term care. Patience, empathy and compassion are a practice

Yin, Yang, Life Force Balance 

ume blossom london

These tender moments in transition I'm burning Ostara again, a yin delicate incense. Made of comforting sandalwood with ground flowers of Magnolia … which are coming into bud now

The softness, yet potency of crushed magnolia, calm anxiety about this powerful shift … yet also allow remembrance of how sweet this fleeting time is … such delicate fragrant petals, push out into sometimes inhospitable climes … facing change with total faith in full bloom

monastery natural incense sticks
Energising incense to inspire creativity 


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